Score with sympathy
Which of us hasn’t received this advice at least once before a job interview? Of course we all have – because who would want to deliberately appear unlikeable in that sort of situation? So this tip might not seem very helpful. On the other hand, maybe there are techniques we can use to make people like us. We’ll tell you how you can score points in a job interview and how you can leave the room having won over the panel.
Make sure you come across well!
HR managers are constantly forced to admit that not every decision to hire a new employee in the company is fact–based and objective. Even subconsciously, popularity rating has a bearing on these decisions. Because the way we form opinions and make decisions is fundamentally influenced by whether we like or dislike someone.
If you know how, you can certainly increase your popularity rating a little! This usually happens unconsciously, but with the right mechanisms, we can influence the way other people see us without them even being aware of it.
You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
The first few seconds of an interview are key. It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to change this first impression. It goes without saying that being unpunctual or rude is not a good start.
Greeting the other person with a friendly smile, a firm handshake, and a confident demeanor is a much better way to start such an important conversation.
At the start of a job interview, the ice is usually broken by making irrelevant small talk. Favorite topics for this are typically the weather or traffic.
Even if it’s been raining for days or looking for a parking space was a nightmare because of traffic chaos – the key with small talk is to stay positive and friendly at all times. Anyone who comes across as negative at the icebreaker stage is going to find it hard to turn things around when the interview starts for real.
There’s no I in team
You don’t have to include your personal interests at the end of a CV, but it is recommended.
It doesn’t matter whether sport is your passion, you spend your free time with fellow club members or make regular short trips to a particular country – all of this is worth mentioning. With a bit of luck, the other person will be like-minded. Finding common ground is a great way of scoring popularity points.
But under no circumstances say yes to everything – coming across as a passenger is not normally a recipe for success in the likeability stakes.
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Weaknesses are only human
Even when it comes to the less pleasant part of a job interview – for example, when you’re asked about your greatest weaknesses – you should be as honest as possible. If you’re honest, you’ll automatically be more likeable. To pretend or even say that you have no weaknesses comes across as very arrogant and plain dishonest.
Perfect people don’t come across as genuine. On the other hand, people who have faults, are aware of them, admit to them, and work on them are much more likeable.