Study in Vienna: your personal guide
If you spend some time on the university campus, visit a few bars or simply mingle with the student crowd, one thing quickly becomes clear: the Austrian capital is a real melting pot of different dialects and origins. And you were probably born somewhere else too. Reason enough to familiarise yourself with the most important aspects of studying in Vienna: Finance, housing, studying and leisure.
Finance – Affordable prices for your independence
It’s all about the money, money! For many young people, studying in Vienna means one thing above all: leaving the Hotel of Mum and Dad and taking the first step towards financial independence. It’s no wonder that the costs take your breath away at first. But as a smart student, you know how to help yourself! In any case, find out about study and housing grants. The financial support has helped many a student out of trouble.
But it’s not only living costs that can upset your piggy bank. The daily journey from A to B also makes a big difference. That’s why there is a discounted semester ticket for students and you don’t have to be afraid of the Schwarzkapplers (ticket inspectors) any more.
Anyone who has finally decided on a course of study is already faced with the next challenge: Where will you stay next time? Not everyone has the financial means for their own flat and Vienna is known to be an expensive place. So for many students, a room in a shared flat or a place in a hall of residence is more suitable.
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Studying – Room for your education
You won’t be surprised, but there are almost no limits to your studies in Vienna. It feels like you can study just about anything at a whopping 53 higher education institutions. From law and economics to engineering, teaching, natural sciences, social sciences, medicine, health care, sports, linguistics and art to computer science. And that was just a small excerpt.
With all the new impressions, people and temptations, are you in danger of forgetting the real reason for your existence in Vienna? Even if you are a big fans of extensive partying, sleeping in and a healthy portion of laziness – you should also spend a little time in lecture halls and libraries. Because at the end of every semester, it lies in wait. The legendary exam phase.

Leisure – Tips for every adventure
Let’s get back to the beautiful things in life. There are a few reasons why studying in Vienna will probably be the best time of your life. The metropolis was voted the 9th most liveable city in the world, after all. We’re not surprised. Look forward to wonderfully creamy ice cream, crispy schnitzel, juicy burgers, extensive brunches and a wealth of student restaurants.
Speaking of local: We are well aware that a large part of your experiences will take place at night. That’s why we’ve also found out where you can pre-drink particularly cheaply, which pavement cafés are the best places to relax and where you can satisfy your alcohol-related cravings after midnight.
Of course, because you also want to experience something during the day, we will introduce you to the public barbecue areas in Vienna and give you tips. If you want to get rid of the freshly eaten calories straight away, pay a visit to one of the numerous outdoor pools and jump on your bike. If you find that your bike isn’t up to it, you will surely get help at one of the many bike service locations.

Miscellaneous – Personal help for every need
Things don’t always go smoothly in life. But we can guarantee one thing: Sometimes just talking to someone helps. That’s why there are a number of advice centres in Vienna for your concerns. Whether sexual harassment, bullying or racism – there is a contact person for every area.
Now you should be prepared for all occasions! We hope we were able to bring some order to the big city chaos and wish you lots of fun studying in Vienna!