Typically autumn: 10 things everyone knows about autumn in Austria
Even the best summer comes to an end and, before you know it, the year is over. But before that happens, Fall will come first. That’s why we’ve thought of ten typical Fall things in Austria.
Swap your bikini or swimming trunks and beach towel for an XXL scarf and wool hat: Fall is here! We have a few things for you that are very typical for Fall in Austria.
Storms and chestnuts replace spritzers and ice
Attention those who love sturm! Now is your season. Instead of a delicious fruit ice cream during our lunch break or a summer after-work drink, we treat ourselves to a warm glass of white or red sturm at the local sturm stand in Fall. “Do you have sturm?” is probably the phrase that restaurateurs hear most often in September and October. Freshly roasted chestnuts or a portion of fried potatoes are essential for a small snack.
What are we doing for Halloween?
Normally, by the beginning of October at the latest, one question occupies the WhatsApp group in almost every circle of friends: What are we doing for Halloween? Do we buy outrageously expensive costumes and hit the clubs?
And while we’re still wondering, we see ourselves sitting on the couch in Freddy Krueger costumes and watching Scary Movie for the 20th time. As soon as the days get shorter and the nights get darker, there is a high demand for spooks. Whether on the sweets aisle of your regular supermarket, in shop windows decorated with fake cobwebs or on television, a certain quantum horror is simply part of Fall.
Fall is cuddle time and series time
If the afternoon golden hour has already gone in Fall, it might be the case that we prefer to spend our evenings at home than to “tear things up”. We willingly trade going out with friends for cuddling on the couch, the chic party outfit for our favorite jogging pants – and that’s totally fine too.
Fall is the ideal time to finally start the thick tome that has been sitting enthroned on the bedside table almost untouched for six months, or to start the new series that everyone in the office is talking about. Netflix and Fall: that sounds good! And so that you don’t waste too much time scrolling, we’ve picked out a few exciting series for Fall.
Clothing for all four seasons
Oh Fall, you’re doing something to us! It’s incredibly cold in the morning and we’re already grabbing XXL scarves, hats and gloves at the beginning of October. However, if you leave the office, university, school or just out the front door around noon, you can often even endure the sun with a short-sleeved shirt.
The fashion slogan in Fall is therefore clear: Get the onion look! At first glance, that sounds like the ideal solution for fluctuating temperatures during this transitional period. But the layered outfit shows its sardonic face as soon as you stand in crowded public transport. You can simply forget about taking off layer by layer in such situations. As a result, you sweat happily in the densely layered crowd. At least that is remotely reminiscent of midsummer. Ah!
The fight with your umbrella
The sky is overcast, the clouds thick – a look out of the window reveals to us in the morning: It could rain. Maybe. So, to be on the safe side, we drag an umbrella from A to B. In most cases, when we are optimally prepared, it doesn’t rain, of course, and we have our little anti-accessory around our necks all day.
But if it does rain, we’re initially relieved to shelter under our small, portable roof. But as soon as we enter a building or get on public transport, it becomes a burden: Either we sprinkle our own water pearls or someone else sits next to us – and where is the best place to put the little thing at the university or in the café without leaving a huge puddle of water behind?
Caution, danger of slipping!
A classic in Fall: It’s always slippery everywhere, especially when you’re in a hurry. You’re rushing from home to an appointment you’re probably going to be late for, and suddenly there are three yellow-orange leaves lying on the road that we’d normally eye with benevolent smiles.
But not at this moment, because that’s when they quickly turn from a beautiful Fall prop to a sneaky stumbling block. For this reason: Always be careful. In Fall it doesn’t take much to head over heel, especially when you’re in a hurry.
Let’s go back to the lecture hall
Once the stressful registration phase is over and you have won a few courses in the university registration lottery (of course only rarely do you get exactly the dates and lecturers that you would have liked to have had), so it goes again: Back to the lecture hall!
Of course, this means that “the serious side of life” starts again, but it also means that you see fellow students you love after the summer and meet new people in courses. Well then, let’s get back in medias res!
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How about some pumpkin?
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin risotto, pumpkin latte – Fall is all about pumpkins. While the hipsters among us (we plead guilty as charged) indulge in their café latte with Pumpkin Spice Syrup, there are several other ways to enjoy Fall’s star.
Dishes containing pumpkins are offered almost everywhere, which are not only particularly tasty, but also damn healthy thanks to the vitamins, vital substances and nutrients contained in pumpkins. And apart from the delicious edible pumpkins, it’s almost a tradition in Austria to carve your own spooky Halloween pumpkin. So: Bring the pumpkins!
Finally, it’s thermal bath time again!
Relaxation mode: on. In Austria we are spoiled by an extremely large range of thermal baths, which you should definitely use in Fall. In the relaxed ambiance of the sauna landscape, warm water pool etc., it is ideal to switch off for a bit from the otherwise stressful everyday life and to gain new strength.
It is particularly nice to chill in an outdoor thermal pool when the temperatures are cold and the panorama is foggy. That’s why we looked at where you can find the most beautiful thermal baths in Austria.
It’s beginning to look a bit like Christmas
… albeit a few months too early. As soon as the temperatures drop, the supply of Christmas paraphernalia increases. While the late summer sun is still shining outside, you can already buy the first vanilla crescents in the supermarket.
When October comes, the advent calendars are already on display and the chestnut stands face competition from a few punch huts that start early. Not much is missing and the crazy neighbor across the street is already hanging his disturbing blinking Christmas decorations in the window.
This before-before-before-Christmas period may seem bizarre, but at least not only to us. It finally offers an ideal conversation starter for courageous small talk: “Every year the Christmas madness starts earlier!” Unanimous nods.