This is what university reform will bring in 2021
An amendment to the University Act (Universitätsgesetz, UG) currently planned would, among other things, result in a stricter minimum performance for students, but also a simpler leave of absence and is therefore currently being hotly discussed.
We give you an overview of planned changes and current developments.
What is planned in the reforms by the Ministry of Education?
According to the planned reform of the University Act, newly admitted students would have to complete 16 ECTS points per course within the first four semesters. In addition, fewer exam dates are to be offered in the future and there are changes to the STEOP.
Leave of absence from the university is also to be made easier and the university senate is to lose its previous competencies (e.g. in the case of rector elections). The following points are also discussed: The grace period for reporting the continuation of studies should not apply, but new enrolments should still be possible after the end of the period for a few reasons.
For which studies does the new minimum performance apply?
The new regulation applies to bachelor and diploma courses, master courses are excluded.
I am already studying – does the minimum performance also apply to me?
The minimum academic achievement of 16 ECTS points in the first four semesters should apply to bachelor and diploma courses, but only for newly started courses from the winter semester 2022/23.
What happens if the minimum performance of 16 ECTS is not achieved in two years?
Admission to the course in which the minimum biennial number of ECTS points has not been achieved should not be permitted for two years in the future. The draft was adjusted here from the original ten to the aforementioned two years.
Will I be automatically de-registered if the minimum performance is not met?
Not quite. Before your admission expires, the university is obliged to warn you several times and to offer support services.
Does the minimum performance also apply to a double degree?
Yes. Those who take several courses at the same time must complete the required minimum performance of 16 ECTS in each of the first two years.
To what extent will the leave of absence for students change?
When it comes to leave of absence from studies, the amendment provides for both tightening and simplification.
A leave of absence from your studies is currently only possible if you give important reasons (e.g. pregnancy or illness). The change in the law is intended to enable a leave of absence for two semesters without providing a reason.
The required academic performance does not have to be achieved during the leave of absence. In addition, the previous basic option for a leave of absence in the first semester is no longer available. In future, such a leave of absence right at the start of your studies will only be possible in the event of an unforeseen and inevitable reason for a leave of absence.
What is changing at STEOP?
In future, the examination regulations for the introductory and orientation phase will be subject to the same rules that apply to all other examinations, i.e. if the STEOP is not passed, the same course can no longer be taken. To date, after a failure in STEOP, it is possible to wait two semesters and then take the same course again.
What changes during exams?
According to the current version of the University Act, “examination dates are to be scheduled for the beginning, the middle and the end of each semester”. . However, the amendment planned by the government no longer provides for this from the winter semester 2022/23; instead, examination dates should be set “at least twice in each semester”.
How is the enrolment period changing?
Enrolment is also expected to be tightened. The grace period to the general admission period will be shortened and will only apply until 31 October (winter semester) or 31 March (summer semester). In addition, the conditions for exceptions, for which you can register in the grace period, will probably be tightened.
When should the changes come into effect?
According to the Ministry of Education’s plans, the new law on studies should come into force in the winter semester 2022/23.
The protest movement “Education is Burning” vehemently campaigned against the originally envisaged changes, which ultimately led to the aforementioned amendments to the law.
Above all, the disempowerment of the university senate, which consists of a third of students, was criticized, especially since strong concerns have been expressed that the curtailment of senate powers is unconstitutional.
What does “Bildung brennt” stand for?
Following the protest movement “Uni brennt”, demonstrations took place across Austria against the planned amendment to the law. Above all, the negative effects on students and teachers as well as the curtailment of democratic structures at universities are causing displeasure among students and lecturers.
The minimum performance for first-year students, the disempowerment of the senate and the increased right of the rectorate to have a say in curricula are viewed particularly critically.
A petition against the University Act amendment has almost 23,000 signatures already.
While the chairwoman of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) clearly distanced herself from the protests, support for “Bildung brennt” came from the local student bodies.
If you want to find out more about the University Act amendment, you will find, for example, a clearly structured statement on the proposed law on the website of the ÖH as well as a statement on the website of the Institutsgruppe (IG) and student representatives (Studienrichtungsvertretung, Strv) History of the University of Vienna.
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